John J Smith Jr. Jr.

John J. Sith is a 3rd generation Mason Contractor. John was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and has approached everything in life with the great intensity that he has utilized every day in the business environment.


John J. Smith Masonry Company

Employee - 1980- Current

John J. Smith Masonry is one of the largest mason contractors in the St. Louis region. We achieve the highest possible level of performance in safety, schedule, quality and value to the customer. We are the key to any const...

MCAA Union Committee


The primary role of the Union Committee is to focus on the needs of union mason contractors.

-Continue to develop activities we do jointly at the MCAA Convention.
-Work to continue to build our relationship w...

MCAA Board


On August 27, 1950 the first convention of the Mason Contractors Association of America was held in Sun Porch of the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Mich. Pictured around the table (left to right) are: Norman Bourchard, Gregor ...

John J. Smith Masonry Company

Alumni - 1980- Current

John J. Smith Masonry is one of the largest mason contractors in the St. Louis region. We achieve the highest possible level of performance in safety, schedule, quality and value to the customer. We are the key to any const...


Alumni - 2015

Each year, the Mason Contractors Association of America presents the C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award to an individual who has provided exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry.

All of the individuals who have rec...

We Have a Production Problem

Justin Breithaupt, owner of Non-Stop Scaffolding, discusses productivity within the workforce and what can be done to increase it. He identifies the problem and provides a solution.

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Report of the MCAA Nominating Committee

On December 30, 2015 the MCAA Nominating Committee met to review and recommend candidates for MCAA office for the 2016-2018 term of office.

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Cleaning the Nebraska State Capitol

With the recent restoration projects at the Nebraska State Capitol, preservation staff looked for the latest developments in masonry cleaning.

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Secretary of Labor announces new members of Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee

Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez announced the appointment of two new members and the re-appointment of 13 members of the Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee.

US Department of Labor re-establishes Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee

Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez today announced that he will re-establish the charter of the Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee.

Scaffolding production enhancers

A look at jobsite techniques and equipment that can help boost your bottom line.

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Tough spot #47: Elevator shafts

Scaffolding industry veteran Justin Breithaupt discusses the project “tough spot” of the elevator shaft.

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With the end of this year, my term as Chairman is almost complete and quickly coming to an end. It is truly a bittersweet process.

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January 2014: Chairman's Message

First I would like to wish each and every reader of the Masonry Magazine a healthy and prosperous New Year. With the end of this year, my term as Chairman is almost complete and quickly coming to an end.

December 2013: Chairman's Message

We are all very busy this time of year. We all work to balance our lives all year long, but during the holidays, it is time to reflect on our families.

Happy holidays

We are all very busy this time of year. We all work to balance our lives all year long, but during the Holidays it is time to reflect on our families.

Happy holidays

We are all very busy this time of year. We all work to balance our lives all year long, but during the Holidays it is time to reflect on our families.

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Masons: Happy Holidays From MCAA Chairman, John Smith Jr.

"A time to reflect on our families as we work to balance our lives..."

November 2013: Chairman's Message

To begin, I want to thank all of the contractors and their families who attended the Midyear Meeting in Orlando.

MCAA Midyear update

To begin, I want to thank all of the contractors and their families who attended the Midyear Meeting in Orlando.

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Ushering in a busy fall season

This time of year gives everyone new energy and motivation to get back out and do some of those projects that have been put off. It also brings us around to our Mid-year meeting.

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October 2013: Chairman's Message

As we say goodbye to the summer of 2013, we look forward to a beautiful fall. This time of year gives everyone new energy and motivation to get back out and do some of those projects that have been put off.

Workforce a familiar friend

As we emerge from the recession we’ve all been wrapped up in, there is a new — but familiar — issue for our industry surfacing, and that is our workforce.

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September 2013: Chairman's Message

As we emerge from the recession we???ve all been wrapped up in, there is a new ??? but familiar ??? issue for our industry surfacing, and that is our workforce.

August 2013: Chairman's Message

As president of the MCAA, I am often asked what we are doing for you as mason contractors.

The MCAA in D.C.

As president of the MCAA, I am often asked what we are doing for you as mason contractors. The regime in Washington, D.C., right now is keeping us very busy.

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July 2013: Chairman's Message

The MCAA officers, along with Jeff Buczkiewicz and staff, have been very busy this past month.

2013 MCAA Midyear Meeting

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join my family and me at the 2013 MCAA Midyear Meeting.

A lot happening

The MCAA has been very busy this past month. The staff continues to work with committee chairs and committee members to pursue our goals.

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June 2013: Chairman's Message

We have just returned from our Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.?? I was hoping that more contractors would have attended.

Eye opening

We have just returned from our Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. It was one of the most exciting trips I have been on with the MCAA.

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May 2013: Chairman's Message

As President of the MCAA, I am often asked, ???Why should I join the MCAA, and what do I get out of being a member????

Scaffolding systems

If your company is just starting out or already established and looking to improve, choosing the right scaffolding system is a major decision that will affect your operation.

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Why not be a member?

As Chairman of the MCAA, I am often asked, “Why should I join the MCAA, and what do I get out of being a member?”

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April 2013: Chairman's Message

I am very excited to announce that the MCAA???s South of 40 committee will present their first on-location seminar, scheduled in conjunction with the MCAA legislative conference.

First South of 40 Conference

I am very excited to announce that the MCAA’s South 40 Committee has presented their first on conference scheduled in conjunction with the MCAA’s Masonry Industry Legislative Conference.

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March 2013: Chairman's Message

The 2013 MCAA Convention has concluded. We are all back at work, taking what we learned and applying it to our own companies. The attendance of mason contractors was at a record level at the convention this year.

Positive movement

The 2013 MCAA Convention has concluded. We are all back at work, taking what we learned and applying it to our own companies.

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February 2013: Chairman's Message

As I write this message, we are about to leave for Las Vegas for our annual convention. I hope all of you have reviewed the convention literature and have found a reason to attend.

Headed to Vegas

As I write this message, we are about to leave for Las Vegas for our annual convention. I hope all of you have found a reason to attend.

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January 2013: Chairman's Message

I would like to wish you a prosperous New Year. As we move into 2013, we have many new challenges facing us. The current economic environment makes survival skills that much more critical to all of our suppliers and us.

New beginning

Let me be the first to wish you a prosperous New Year. As we move into 2013 we have many new challenges facing us. The current economic environment makes survival skills that much more critical to all of our suppliers and us.

New beginning

Let me be the first to wish you a prosperous New Year. As we move into 2013 we have many new challenges facing us.

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December 2012: Chairman's Message

How did the election turn out for you and your company? There were some surprises with some disappointments, but when all is said and done, we are set for another two to four years of governmental guidance.

It’s finally over

As I write this message, it makes me feel very proud and honored to be a citizen of this United States, the best country in the world.

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November 2012: Chairman's Message

I find myself having returned recently from a trip to Denver to visit with the fine folks of the Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute (RMMI).

My trip to the Rockies

I find myself having returned not too long ago from a trip to Denver to visit with the fine folks of the Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute (RMMI).

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October 2012: Chairman's Message

In November, we all will be asked to elect a new leader for our country, as well as members of Congress. We also will be asked to elect local members in our state, along with school board members.

The 2012 election

In November, we all will be asked to elect a new leader for our country, as well as members of Congress. These people will be asked to represent best interests.

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2013 MCAA Convention

I would like to send a personal invitation to every member of the MCAA to join us this February in Las Vegas at the Wynn Hotel for our annual convention.

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Stay involved

Competitors sitting down and working together to better the industry will give us strength and help us to buy back market share.

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Recently, we mailed our renewal invoices to all of our existing members. I want to thank all those that have responded. Everyone is passionate about different issues, and some of you have added support for individual issues that are important to the indu

Summer time

Following is a roundup of a few the masterful saws and saw accessories available to help you get your job done as efficiently, effectively and safely as possible.

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2012 MCAA Midyear Meeting

I would like to take this opportunity to invite all the members of the MCAA to attend this year’s mid-year meeting in Park City, UT, September 12-14, 2012.

Exciting time

The MCAA held its annual legislative conference the week of May 7 in Washington, D.C. This year, we addressed the following issues.

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Working for you

The last two months have been a very busy time for the MCAA officers and staff, and we are in full planning mode for next year.

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Good to know

Crank-up type scaffolding falls under the ANSI A10.8 (2011) Scaffold Standard, Section 24, which is enforced by OSHA as if it were in the OSHA regulations.

What OSHA really looks for

OSHA issues related to scaffolding are the majority of OSHA citations for mason contractors. Learn where to get the information you need, and what OSHA looks for.

Join us in D.C. next month

This month, I would like to invite you to join us in Washington, D.C., for our Legislative Conference, May 8-10, 2012.

BIA Appoints Board Chairman, Officers

Brett Packer begins term as vice chairman

New beginnings

As I begin my term as president, I would like to start by thanking all of you for the trust you have placed in me to lead this great organization.

New beginnings

As I begin my term as president, I would like to start by thanking all of you for the trust you have placed in me to lead this great organization.

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Scaffolding tricks for tight job sites

The surprise winner: Elevating scaffolding proves to be the king of cut-up jobs. Six pros talk about tight sites.

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A Product is Born

In 1970, Justin Breithaupt Jr., co-owner of Non-Stop Scaffolding Inc., saw that a small increase in production causes a big jump in profit. He explains how his product came to be.

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When the Block Stops, the Money Stops

We examine the obvious and not-so-obvious benefits of elevated scaffolding including how elevated scaffolding can impact your bottom line.

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Scaffolding: Staying Afloat in 2010

Modern scaffolding gives a powerful competitive advantage.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region E

MCAA Region E Report presented at the 2006 Masonry Showcase in Las Vegas, Nev.

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Squeezing Out Every Dollar

Squeezing Out Every Dollar

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MCAA Regional Report, Region E

MCAA Region E Report presented at the 2005 MCAA Midyear Meeting in Asheville, N.C.

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A Scaffold by Any Other Name...

A Scaffold by Any Other Name...

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MCAA Regional Report, Region E

MCAA Region E Report presented at the 2005 Masonry Showcase in Chicago, Ill.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region E

MCAA Region E Report presented at the 2004 Midyear Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2004 Masonry Showcase in Las Vegas, Nev.

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Saving the Day ... Each and Every Day

Saving the Day ... Each and Every Day

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2003 Midyear Meeting in San Diego, Calif.

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2003 Masonry Showcase in Tampa, Fla.

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