Curtis C Hoover

Curtis C. Hoover started his career back in 1974, while still in high school. A new vo-tech center was opening called North Arundel Vo-Tech. This was just a technical school, which would be near the seven high schools in the north end of Anne Arundel County. He did not choose the masonry program.

Instead, he signed up for the home improvement program. The related class for this program was masonry, a fact he did not know until second semester. After taking masonry that semester, he knew what he wanted to pursue for his career. Curtis fell in love with the class as it seemed to be natural for him.

Curtis’ class was introduced to VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) known today as SkillsUSA. His first full year, he competed in the state VICA Masonry Competition and placed fourth. In his senior year, he placed second and won a Silver Medal. This was the first medal ever won for his school. His dad had it placed in a frame, which currently he displays for all his students in hopes of encouraging them to do their best. Curtis wants them to know that they can accomplish anything if they work hard and put their minds to it.

Curtis started doing little masonry jobs while still in school, and was amazed by what kind of money one could make. He built his first fireplace at the age of 16, and was paid $400.00 which helped him purchase a car. He officially started his career going out on work study his senior year for R.L. Walker and Sons, which was a residential masonry contractor. Most of the work was bricking up the front of houses, foundations and fireplaces. He worked for R.L. Walker for one and a half years.

Curtis always remained in contact with his masonry instructor. One day, they were talking when Curtis mentioned he wanted to get with a company that had benefits. His brother was a foreman for Henry J. Knott, Inc. which was one of the largest union masonry contractors in the Baltimore area. They hired Curtis in 1978. He started working as a bricklayer, then in 1982 he began as a foreman at the age of 25. Soon after the company began to grow and they were looking for an Assistant Superintendent, a job which included training new foremen from within the company. The tasks included blueprint reading classes, safety meetings, documentation of the jobs, and many other items involved in running a project. It also involved running a yard, which included all of the equipment needs, clean-up of jobs, etc. Curtis loved that job, but the economy in the first part of the 90’s was on a downward trend, which hurt the company. He ended up going back in the field as a foreman.

In the summer of 1993, he was building the Lowes store in Salisbury, Md., when he received a phone call from his masonry teacher, telling him that the masonry instructor position was open at his old school. He applied, did two interviews, one of which was with his former principal. He was selected out of eight other candidates. The toughest thing about taking the position was telling Henry J. Knott that he was leaving his company. He said he understood and wished Curtis the best of luck and if it didn’t work out, Curtis was always welcome to come back. They are still very good friends today, and Curtis tries to send him some of his students whenever he can.

After taking the masonry instructors position, he attended his first Masonry Showcase in Charlotte in 1995. It was very impressive and he knew he had to get involved. Curtis received a phone call from a young lady about judging the Masonry Skills Challenge in Tampa, Florida. It was a great honor to be asked to judge. This is when he met some great gentlemen, who were also masonry instructors. Mr. Milton Young and Mr. Eugene Johnson were talking about the National Masonry Instructors Association (NMIA) and suggested Curtis should join. He did. This organization is more like family than just peers. Curtis has had the privilege serving as President of the National Masonry Instructors Association for 5 years, and is now Treasurer. He will always be the NMIA spokesperson.

One will never know where or what event Curtis will attend. He has spent his entire life both as a teen and as an adult, in this great field of masonry and will continue as long as the good Lord allows him to. His words to other instructors have always been, “GET INVOLVED, in whatever organization that can help you and your students be successful.” There are no words or money that can put a price on watching a student succeed in industry, and Curtis is lucky enough to have many.

Started career while still in high school in 1974. Instructor since 1993, providing instruction and evaluation for 40-60 students annually. NCCER Certified Instructor. Host of Maryland SkillsUSA Masonry Championships since 2002. Judge of National SkillsUSA Masonry Competitions since 2010 and MCAA’s Masonry Skills Challenge since 2003. Served as President and Treasurer of the National Masonry Instructors Association; President of the Masonry Instructors Association of Pa. & Md.; MCAA Workforce Development Committee member; teacher liaison for the Masonry Institute of Md., Va., and D.C.; active member of the Mid-Atlantic Masonry Association; Maryland SkillUSA School Advisor since 1993, Maryland Board of Directors since 2015, and Co-Chairman from 2017-2018.


Center of Applied Technology - North

Employee - 1980- Current

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