Damian W Lang

Damian grew up in the small rural community of Waterford, OH. He resides there today, close to his childhood home. Not only is he a great contributor to the masonry industry, he has an undying dedication to his workforce, family, and community. His impact on the local economic development is immeasurable.


EZG Manufacturing


EZG Manufacturing has rapidly become a leading equipment manufacturer to the masonry and concrete construction market. EZG Manufacturing products are well known for groundbreaking, labor-friendly designs and high quality sta...

Contractor Tip of the Month: Stop Worrying and Start Living

Who among us can claim that worry has resulted in a longer life? The same thing applies to business. Who among us can claim that worry has resulted in business growth? I’m confident the answer is no one.

Contractor Tip of the Month: Seeing Issues from the Other Person's Perspective

Sometimes, our own viewpoint and limited line of thought can hinder us when we are confronted with an issue. This lack of perspective can make you your own worst enemy. But incredible things can happen if you take a step back and view a problem from the

Productivity Incentives

Productivity Incentives

Learning is a Major Key to Success

MASONRY Columnist Damian Lang gives us the keys to success.

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Tip del Contratista: Trabajar en el Negocio en vez de para el negocio

Spanish translated Contractor Tip of the Month from the 2019 October issue.

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Building Teams

Damian Lang provides insight into building teams successfully.

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Know Your Target and Set Expectations for Your Team to Hit It

Have you ever searched for something, not knowing what you were looking for, and found it? No? Me neither.

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Fundamentals Are the Foundation of Business Success

You’ve heard the definition of insanity, haven’t you? It’s doing something the same way, over and over, yet expecting different results.

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Holding Yourself and Your Company to the Highest Standards

How can I set my company apart from my competitors and be successful? This is a question I get from a lot of contractors these days.

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The 27 Times Rule

As a team leader, you deliver the same direction over and over again. Then, just when you think your team finally gets it, they take two steps back!

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Incorporating Standard Operating Procedure

You want to grow your business, right? But you’re already doing all that you can. You’re at capacity and running so hard that you can’t go any faster. Sound familiar?

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What a Difference a Day Makes!

Yesterday, while I was flying back to Columbus, Ohio, from Kansas City, Mo., a lot of things were going through my mind.

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People Are Better Led Than Driven

As I’m writing this month’s tip, I am patiently waiting between events at my daughter Amy’s track meet. I’ve got a big smile on my face, as Amy has won her first two events.

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Keep the Best Players on Your Team

In order to win at the game of business, you must recruit and field the right players for your team.

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It’s quiet time!

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom would put you to bed, telling you it’s “quiet time”? This is a lesson most of us forgot as we grew up and began purchasing things.

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Get someone to help you dig the hole

A lesson learned from those who dug water wells by hand years ago is that the harder you dig a hole, the deeper you will get. The deeper you get, the less the view.

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The value of sharing

Because there were so many siblings in my family, I developed a deep sense of “sharing.” This sharing has attracted wonderful employees, partners and customers to my company.

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Sorry Charlie: If you wouldn’t have told me your price was high, you’d have the job

Why do contractors bid work, and then slowly sabotage their chances of getting the work by telling the perspective customer, “My price is high, but…?”

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If you show them you care, they will follow you

To quote the great Vince Lombardi: “Men respond to leadership in a most remarkable way and, once you have won his heart, he will follow you anywhere.”

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You must see the opportunity when others can’t

I should have bought it. I should have done it. Ever hear someone say that when discussing a piece of equipment or house or property someone else bought at a fraction of its worth?

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The one who holds the gold rules

When discussing a change order, scheduling conflict, or any other issue on a project, remember there is a Golden Rule.

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Don’t go that way!

Throughout your career, you will have to make choices to get where you are going. Taking unnecessary risks regularly can take you down the road to disaster.

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As long as you invest in the right stuff, borrowing money will help you build wealth quicker

Unlike traveling a long and winding road, when creating wealth for yourself, there are alternative routes you can take to get you there quicker.

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Fix yourself, and you fix the world

As a child, I ran away from home several times. With nine of us, and rules, getting along at home appeared to be a real “hardship.”

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How do you get off the hamster wheel?

Just building a successful construction company isn’t enough. You have to have a succession (continuation) plan to keep it prospering without you.

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There’s a time to stay, and a time to walk away

Have you ever gone way low on a bid, and then out of some desire, you took the job anyway? Then, the job doesn’t turn out as good as you thought it would.

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Finding (thinking) a way to let the good times roll

When things are going good, it seems you can’t lose. When things are going bad, it seems you can’t win.

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When the right opportunity appears, grab it while you have the chance

In the book, “The Warren Buffet Way,” Buffet explains that, during your lifetime, there will be very few great opportunities that will present themselves to you. When one does, you must “grab it while you have the chance.”

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If your plan doesn’t work, cut your losses and get out as soon as possible

Watertown Steel LLC taught me a big lesson, the hard way: “If your plan doesn’t work, cut your losses and get out as soon as possible.”

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Don’t just think it, do it

In order to make our dreams come true, we must do more than only think of them. We must take action to build them.

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Vision, core values, motto

I was recently asked if people in my companies would be able to identify our vision, core values, and motto without hesitation. I had to admit that nine out of 10 would not.

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You make the call

A manager makes decisions every day. If decisions are made based on what people are saying behind the scenes instead of what's observed, she will be a poor manager.

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If you want the job, give your customer a quote to do their work!

A few years ago, I decided to purchase a tractor big enough to pull 11-foot rotary mowers behind it, to mow the 30 acres of grass I maintain.

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Never let them see you sweat

Sherlock Holmes, Bond — James Bond, and Winnie the Pooh. Have you ever heard anybody say anything negative about these three? All three possess an unshakable composure.

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Trusting your gut

I couldn’t sleep. The elephant on my chest was planted firmly. The deadline date was approaching, and I had to make a crucial business decision. Do we stay or go?

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What do we do now?

I hear from contractors daily about how bad the economy is. What do we do now?

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Huddle up, before it’s too late

Have you huddled your team up lately, to insure they know what to do in the toughest of times?

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Don’t forget to do the things that matter most

In today’s fast moving business environment, do you find yourself running so hard that when you you forget to give your loved ones your undivided attention?

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Working for nothing most of the time

Do you make money on every job you do? Or, like most contractors, do you work for nothing most of the time? Here’s how they successfully do it.

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It pays you more if you enjoy the trip

It’s not rocket science. Employees tend to stay at companies where they enjoy their work, and customers buy from people they like.

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Failing to plan is planning to fail

Do you know where you are going? Do you have a plan on how you will get there? Once a goal is set and put in writing, that goal is already 50% accomplished.

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All contractors must have a treasure chest

Without a “treasure chest,” we are all just one bad job away from going out of business.

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Lesson from the Great Recession: Working for narrow profit margins can cause a business to fail

Throughout the years of business, we have all made mistakes. Just like when I get together with friends, and one of us makes a mistake.

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When the tide goes down, you find out who is swimming without clothes on!

When the economy is good, it seems anyone can run a business. However, when the economy sinks and the waters get rough, only the strongest survive.

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If you can see it and believe it, you can achieve it

Have you ever done something you thought wasn’t possible, but then you did it? Then, when you looked back, you thought, “Wow, how did I do that?”

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Are you making money or losing cash?

Whether or not you survive in business is really kind of simple. You must take in more cash than you pay out.

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How fast should you grow?

When a tree stops growing, it dies. If a tree grows too fast, it must be trimmed or it can get top heavy and collapse. A company is similar to a tree, when you think about it.

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Some things aren’t as they appear

Do you take work from contractors or customers who you know, in the past, have been problematic contractors?

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Hard times build character and develop survival skills

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all we had to do to build a successful business is work hard?

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Watch out for the one bad job

Does this sound familiar? I have written tips similar to this. However, I don’t think it sunk into a lot of contractors’ minds. So, here it comes from another angle.

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Keeping your offensive line in check

With the lack of work to bid, regulations, inflation, and health care costs, many of us get so tied up in mere survival that we forget we must remain positive.

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If you work hard, you deserve what you get

If you work hard, you deserve what you get. It took some time for me to believe that. And I have a theory as to why it took so long.

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The evolution of mixers, pumps and delivery systems

America, 1984. Ronald Reagan crushed Mondale at the polls; the first Apple Macintosh went on sale; and I started up Lang Masonry in rural Watertown, Ohio.

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Are you working for nothing?

Do you ever wonder why so many contractors are running non-profit businesses these days? Whatever the case, it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Who will load the truck?

When a position comes open in your company, do you promote someone from the inside, or go outside to find the talent?

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2013 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas.

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Change or die!

Do you have something that just isn’t working? How far down will you go until you make the necessary changes?

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We must play with the cards we are dealt

As I write this article, it is Election Day in the U.S.A! Stuck on Chicago’s O’Hare Airport runway, I am pondering the outcome of the election tonight.

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It’s not what you go through that matters

What do we do when it seems like nothing can go right? I can tell you what I did. I started from the basics and retrained my mind.

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Please don’t tell my customers, “We can’t do that!”

I still hear our people telling customers, “We can’t do that,” like it’s been programmed into us. It drives me absolutely crazy.

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Make work out of what you have to do

When you don’t have enough work to do, you will make work out of what you have to do. That’s what my mom told me years ago.

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How quickly can you do this job?

“How quickly can you do this job?” We hear this daily. It's great to be an optimist, but this is no time to answer the general contractor with optimistic time lines.

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Proper planning prevents poor performance

Proper planning prevents poor performance. Lang Masonry Contractors recently experienced first-hand the the issues that failing to plan can create.

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Your company’s wellbeing depends on what you consume

How frugal are you when it comes to spending? Do you buy what you want or what you need?

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The spankings don’t hurt anymore!

When the economy dropped, like most other businesses, we had to make some painful management decisions.

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It’s finally over!

One thing is almost over in all parts of the country, and it’s something everyone reading this article can help bring to an end more quickly: bidding work under costs.

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Why are my employees all stirred up?

A manager came to me recently with a terrible employee morale problem that he wasn’t sure how to fix. After asking several questions, the problem revealed itself.

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Considerations when purchasing a mixer

Like cars, trucks, tractors and cranes, mixers are not what they used to be. Some are built on price, some on ergonomics, and some on quality.

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Be careful of the words you say

Be careful of the words you say; keep them short and sweet. For you never know from day to day, which ones you will have to eat!

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2012 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas, Nev.

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When the going gets tough, the tough get going

When you are under the gun, it doesn’t matter if it is Sunday or if it is a holiday. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

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Honesty, good judgment and action

After being in business for more than 27 years now, I believe the most important quality a leader can have is honesty.

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A rich person is not the one with the most

Regardless of how big or small companies were, the ones streamlined with the lowest overhead were best fit to survive this recession.

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Keeping employees happy

Hiring employees for your business isn’t hard, but keeping them happy is a never-ending job.

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It’s comeback time!

Has this recession kicked you in the teeth like it has almost every contractor in the country? Have you hit bottom yet? And, where is the bottom?

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The customer is always No. 1

How far do you go to please your customers? One thing in business never changes: The Customer is always No. 1.

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If You Feel Good, You Can Deal with Everything Else

With all the bad economic news out there caused by things totally out of our control, one must keep a healthy mind by focusing on “feeling good.”

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The Best Operators of Business Are Goofy

I network with business people from all over the country, and I’ve discovered something: The ones doing the best are goofy.

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Customers Hire Those That Make Their Job Easy

Tremendous service builds rapport with customers,, all because they made their customers’ jobs easy!

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When You Price Work, Do You Estimate or Guesstimate?

We cannot survive going forward with a guesstimate. In today’s business climate, you’ve got to estimate, not guesstimate.

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You Lose More on the Good Jobs Than on the Bad

Once you have the project, where do you risk losing the most money? The good job, or the bad one?

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When Do You Give Up On a Potential Job?

At what point do you give up on a potential job? When the customer won’t return your calls concerning your bid? When you’re told you weren’t the low bidder?

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2011 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas, Nev.

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Set Your Goals Now

Do you have a plan — a goal — as to where you want to go? Or, are you just waiting to see where you end up?

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Sometimes, Best Laid Plans Create a New Direction

A few months ago, I wrote about how we have to be willing to change. Now, after some soul searching, I have to be ready to take my own medicine.

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Do It Anyway to Survive!

Even in these tough times, when the bad things happen that are out of our control, we’ve just got to “Do It Anyway” to survive.

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Time to Change, Before Change is All We Have Left

In a time when there is so much negativity, staying positive seems to lift people up. However, staying positive doesn’t mean there aren’t changes needed to survive.

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Little Leaks Sink Big Ships

No one dreamed the Titanic would go down, but it did. Do you have leaks in your ship? If so, are you fixing them, or waiting until you can’t keep it afloat?

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Never Show Your Hand

Would you ever play poker with your cards exposed? If you play cards like that, your chance of winning is very slim. The same is true on a construction project.

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2010 MCAA Midyear Meeting in Chicago, Ill.

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Don’t Worry About the Recession

Profits are down, regulations are up, workloads are slim, building owners are demanding more for less, we are in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and I am telling you not to worry about it.

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Quality Matters in Mixers

Mixers are no longer disposable as mason contractors demand more from manufacturers.

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When in Doubt, Sit it Out!

Remember those hot summer afternoons on the jobsite? Were you productive for those few hottest hours of the day? If the weather is in doubt, we sit it out.

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If You Want the Job, Ask For It!

Do you close the deal and get that contract? Or, do you just send out the bid in hopes that the owner or general contractor received it and will give you the job?

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Measure, Measure, Measure!

Tough competition, tight bids, fewer jobs…and the mason contractors we are competing against are idiots. Did I miss anything?

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2010 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas, Nev.

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If you Want Happy Customers, Focus on Their Good Qualities First, Yours Later

Do your customers know you are thrilled to be doing their work? Or, do you just complain about everything they do, and then ask them for that next extra work order?

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How Low is Too Low?

The economy is brutal. Bidding is tight, and you are finally the low bidder on a big job. Life is good, until you find you missed something. Do you take the job anyway?

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The report of the MCAA Marketing Committee presented at the 2009 Midyear Meeting in San Diego, Calif.

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Report of the MCAA Marketing Committee

The MCAA Marketing Committee continues to be one of the most active and exciting committees within the association.

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