Michael Sutter


Sutter Masonry LLC


Since 1991, Sutter Masonry has stood at the forefront of custom residential and commercial construction in the Greater Phoenix area. A family-owned company, we pride ourselves—as we have from day one—on operating with the utm...

MCAA Board

Chairman - 2016-2017

On August 27, 1950 the first convention of the Mason Contractors Association of America was held in Sun Porch of the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Mich. Pictured around the table (left to right) are: Norman Bourchard, Gregor ...


Alumni - 2019

Each year, the Mason Contractors Association of America presents the C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award to an individual who has provided exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry.

All of the individuals who have rec...

The Future of The Masonry Foundation

Mike Sutter is back to give us an update on The Masonry Foundation and the plans for the future. See what is in store for the foundation and more.

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Givers Gain

It’s only a couple of weeks before our convention at World of Concrete/World of Masonry and there is still time (but not much) to make a room reservation and plan on attending our convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 21 - 26.

Givers Gain

With this being my last article, I want to take a moment to say thank you to all our members who trusted me to head our association for the last two years.

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The Reason for the Season

A few months ago I announced that I was going to copy the program they use in North Carolina at a local high school. If you remember, the folks there told me they were so successful with their high school masonry programs because local contractors adopte

The Reason for the Season

A few months ago I announced that I was going to copy the program they use in North Carolina at a local high school. So I committed to adopting a high school near me.

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Always, Always, Always Something To Be Thankful For

Here we are in November already with Thanksgiving right around the corner and year end fast approaching. We should all be busy planning and budgeting for next year as it will be here before we know it.

Always, Always, Always Something To Be Thankful For

Here we are in November already with Thanksgiving right around the corner and year end fast approaching.

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Another Exciting Midyear Meeting

While it may seem a while ago for you, it is very recent for me. You see I am writing this article just a couple weeks after our MCAA Midyear Meeting in Steamboat Springs, Colo. I think we had very productive meetings and set the direction of the MCAA fo

Another Exciting Midyear Meeting

I am writing this article just a couple weeks after our MCAA Midyear Meeting in Steamboat Springs, Colo. I think we had very productive meetings and set the direction of the MCAA for the next year.

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Learning From North Carolina

If you remember, in my last article I wrote about the “Skills Gap” we have with kids coming out of high school and not being career ready.

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Let’s Help Close The Skills Gap

I know in my last article I talked almost exclusively about our MCAA Midyear Meeting in Steamboat Springs, Colo. beginning on August 28th, but I need to remind everyone of a few more things.

Let’s Help Close The Skills Gap

We all realize the importance of workforce development. We are doing everything we can to recruit high school students to join our industry.

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A Conversation With Mike And Colleen Sutter, Act I

I was sitting down with my iPad beginning to write my article for this month when Colleen asked me what I was doing. This is how the conversation went.

A Conversation With Mike And Colleen Sutter, Act I

I was sitting down with my iPad beginning to write my article for this month when Colleen asked me what I was doing. This is how the conversation went.

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Chairman's Message: A Conversation With Mike And Colleen Sutter, Act I

Chairman's Message: A Conversation With Mike And Colleen Sutter, Act I

2017 MCAA Midyear Meeting

The MCAA’s Midyear Meeting at the beautiful Steamboat Grand in Steamboat Springs, Colo. will be held Aug. 28—30, 2017.

Calculating Your Return on Investment

Well with the month of June beginning, I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather and good production weather for all your crews. For us in Phoenix, we are not so eagerly looking ahead to what is coming the next few months.

Calculating Your Return on Investment

Well with the month of June beginning, I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather and good production weather for all your crews.

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Sweet Tea and Grits

If it is May then it is the MCAA Legislative month at the Capitol. We will be in DC this month to sweep through the Capitol offices and let our legislators know that the masonry industry is important to us and how they can help us create jobs and get the

Sweet Tea and Grits

We will be in DC this month to sweep through the Capitol offices and let our legislators know that the masonry industry is important to us and how they can help us create jobs.

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Chairman's Message: Sweet Tea and Grits

Chairman's Message: Sweet Tea and Grits

Silica, Auctions and Policy

I hope your backlog is full, your equipment is serviced, your manpower is geared up and you are ready to roll from spring into summer. Hopefully this will be a great summer for all of us as our industry is healthy and growing. I know here at MCAA we are

Silica, Auctions and Policy

I hope your backlog is full, you’re equipment is serviced, your manpower is geared up and you are ready to roll from Spring into Summer.

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Chairman's Message: Spring 2017: Silica, Auctions and Policy

Chairman's Message: Spring 2017: Silica, Auctions and Policy

Things to Remember

I was raised in northern Ohio and I remember when talking about the weather in March it was said it would “come in like a lion and out like a lamb.” While I don’t have the same weather issues in Phoenix, I hope everyone’s weather is about to turn

Things to Remember

Since this is actually my first article that I am writing after World of Concrete/World of Masonry, I have to tell you what an awesome time we had there.

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Chairman's Message: Things To Remember

Chairman's Message: Things To Remember

Looking Forward

I hope everyone had a great and productive time at World of Concrete/World of Masonry. Beginning with the Foreman Development program taught by Dave Jaykins on Sunday to the closing banquet on Thursday evening with the new inductees into the Masonry Hall

Looking Forward

I hope everyone had a great and productive time at World of Concrete/World of Masonry.

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Chairman's Message: Looking Forward

Chairman's Message: Looking Forward

A Fresh Start

What a great time to be in the Masonry Industry! After going through some tough times a few years ago, it now seems that almost everything is the complete opposite of those times. Many of us are seeing both our revenues and margins improving and hiring a

A Fresh Start

What a great time to be in the Masonry Industry! After going through some tough times a few years ago, it now seems that almost everything is the complete opposite of those times.

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Chairman's Message: A Fresh Start

Chairman's Message: A Fresh Start

Making Our Industry Stronger

I just returned from Washington, D.C., having met with our BIM-M partners. BIM-M will allow those in the design community to easily include masonry in their designs.

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December 2016: Chairman’s Message

I just returned from Washington, D.C., having met with our BIM-M partners. For those who are not familiar with BIM for Masonry, known as BIM-M, it will allow those in the design community to easily include masonry in their designs. Previously, when archi

MCAA Midyear Meeting Does Not Disappoint

As I often tell members who have not attended a Midyear event before, this is where friendships are made and renewed each year.

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November 2016: Chairman’s Message

If you read my column last month, you know I reported on the success of the MCAA Midyear Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. But since I had to write that article in the beginning of September, I was just assuming it went well. Now that it is finished, I can re

Have You Made Your Pledge to the Foundation?

I want to remind everyone again about the Masonry Foundation. The Foundation is our investment in the future of the masonry industry.

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October 2016: Chairman’s Message

With the MCAA Midyear Meeting just completed, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped put it all together. This was my first Midyear Meeting since becoming chairman, so I really didn’t know what to expect. There was a lot of preparat

Who Moved My Cheese?

We are moving some cheese/making a change at MCAA that excites us all.

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September 2016: Chairman’s Message

“Movement in new direction helps find new cheese.” This is a quote from Dr. Spencer Johnson, author of “Who Moved My Cheese?” a business fable about change and opportunities. We are moving some cheese/making a change at MCAA that excites us all.

Get Ready for MCAA’s Midyear Meeting

Only a couple months remain until MCAA’s Midyear Meeting at the beautiful Westin Kierland Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Oct. 2—4, 2016.

August 2016: Chairman’s Message

Jeff Buczkiewicz and I just left Las Vegas after a full day of reviewing venues for the World of Concrete/World of Masonry (WOC/WOM) and MCAA Convention in January. MCAA is planning some new events at new venues that I promise will be a shake-up from wha

Making a Difference

I am writing this article on the plane from Washington, D.C., back to Phoenix – just a little five-hour jaunt. What a great time we had at the MCAA Legislative Fly-In.

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July 2016: Chairman’s Message

I am writing this article on the plane from Washington, D.C., back to Phoenix — just a little five-hour jaunt. What a great time we had at the MCAA Legislative Fly-In, meeting with our legislators! Everyone was very busy on Wednesday, with meetings sched

Southern Hospitality

Having just returned from the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association Convention in Hot Springs, Va., I am excited to share my experience with everyone.

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June 2016: Chairman’s Message

Having just returned from the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association (NCMCA) Convention in Hot Springs, Va., I am excited to share my experience with everyone. First of all, my wife, Colleen, and I, along with MCAA vice-chairman Paul Odom and his

The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

Our Washington, D.C., fly-in, the 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference, is nearly here. We will be on Capitol Hill in force on May 18 and 19, telling our stories to our elected officials. They truly want to hear how they can help us grow our businesses and h

The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

Our Washington, D.C., fly-in, the MCAA Legislative Conference, is nearly here. We will be on Capitol Hill in force on May 18 and 19, telling our stories to our elected officials.

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Chairman’s Message: The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

Our Washington, D.C., fly-in, the 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference, is nearly here. We will be on Capitol Hill in force on May 18 and 19, telling our stories to our elected officials. They truly want to hear how they can help us grow our businesses and h

MCAA: Looking out for your interests

As I write, I am on my way back to Phoenix from Orlando, Fla., after attending the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) convention. Although we had just visited with the NCMA officers during the MCAA convention in Las Vegas in February, it is alw

MCAA: Looking out for your interests

While in Orlando, we received very optimistic reports on the Check-Off Program. While I don’t want to jinx it, it appears we may be getting close to the finish line.

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April 2016: Chairman’s Message: MCAA: Looking Out for Your Interests

As I write, I am on my way back to Phoenix from Orlando, Fla., after attending the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) convention. Although we had just visited with the NCMA officers during the MCAA convention in Las Vegas in February, it is alw

Let’s share our passion!

After just returning from Las Vegas, I can tell you I am re-energized. How could I not be after all the productive meetings, social events, and of course MASONRY MADNESS?

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March 2016: Chairman’s Message

After just returning from Las Vegas and the World of Concrete/World of Masonry, I can tell you I am re-energized. How could I not be after all the productive meetings, social events, and of course Masonry Madness on Wednesday — from the Apprentice Skills

Our voices are being heard

Misclassification is rampant in our market, and I have learned it is a problem across the country. Recently, there was an investigation of a large subcontractor in our market.

MCAA Regional Report, Region G

The report for Region G presented at the 2010 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas, Nev.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

The report for Region G presented at the 2009 MCAA Convention in Las Vegas, Nev.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

The Housing Market fall has taken its toll in the retail market, new housing sales and commercial market resulting in record foreclosuses and bankruptcies throughout Arizona.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

Arizona's Economic Climate has slowed in our Housing Market. The Commercial and Public work has been on a steady pace but nothing outstanding.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

MCAA Region G Report presented at the 2006 Masonry Showcase in Las Vegas, Nev.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

MCAA Region G Report presented at the 2005 MCAA Midyear Meeting in Asheville, N.C.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

MCAA Region G Report presented at the 2005 Masonry Showcase in Chicago, Ill.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

MCAA Region G Report presented at the 2004 Midyear Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

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MCAA Regional Report, Region G

MCAA Region G Report presented at the 2004 Masonry Showcase in Las Vegas, Nev.

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